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    The long-awaited White Paper covering the UK’s energy requirements suggests that the UK will lead the world in developing cleaner, greener energy to benefit generations to come. How can this be achieved? March 9th 2003

    the latest on climate change

    Climate change continues to fill the news columns – here’s the latest news from around the world. October 5th 2002

    fighting for wind power

    As the Guardian reported in June, wind farms, hailed as the solution to Britain’s clean energy crisis, face a storm of protest. Are they the way forward or nothing more than a blot on the landscape? September 7th 2002

    the real cost of food

    Ever wondered about the hidden costs associated with the food you buy? May 12th 2002

    the road to nowhere?

    Cars. Love them or hate them, you certainly can’t get away from them. February 5 2002