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    green quiz

    There are 5 questions to answer. Your score will be shown on the ‘leafometer’ below! If this looks too taxing, try our puzzle.

    Your score from 0 attempts is:


      1. What percentage of organic food sold in
      the UK is imported from aborad?



      of the Earth)


      2. What is the retail value of organic food
      sold in the UK each year?

      About £100M

      About £300M

      About £500M Friends
      of the Earth)


      3. How much food is imported into the UK each

      10 million tonnes

      15 million tonnes

      20 million tonnes Women’s


      4. How much fuel is used each year in the UK
      to transport food by road?

      0.6 billion litres

      1.6 billion litres

      2.6 billion litres target=”new” class=”navLink”>BigBarn)


      5. On average, how far does the average item
      of food travel before being sold in a supermarket?

      less than 500 miles

      between 500 and 1000 miles

      over 1000 miles (Source: class=”navLink” target=”new”>Women’s